By creating a minimalist vocabulary of abstract forms whose meaning, even when displaced and reduced, evokes a familiar figuration, Zé Tepedino creates a dialogue between references from the past without failing to capture the fleetingness of the now.
Expressing hymself between the biography and grammar of materials and a poetic rearrangement of the world around us, his work deploys in actions, assemblages, installations and expanded paintings.

Zé Tepedino [1990, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. lives and works in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil]. He has a Bachelor Degree in Visual Communication by the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro [2017], and also attended the Atelier Novo Mundo under the guidance of Charles Watson [2016]. Selected solo exhibitionsFresta, curated by Domenico de Chirico, ABC-Arte, Genoa and Milan, Italy [2024]; Segurando um espelho tentei te mostrar o amanhã, Studio OM Art, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Tudo é a forma que fala, with critical essay by Kiki Mazzucchelli, Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil [2023]; and O Raio Verde, curated by Julie Dumont, ZSenne Art Lab, Brussels, Belgium [2022]. Selected group exhibitionsRio: a medida da terra, curated by Luisa Duarte, Flexa, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [2024]; Arlivre * Artelive: arte, ecologia e os comuns, Aterro do Flamengo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Les Marcel: collection R. Patt, Le Botanique, Brussels, Belgium; Melodia, curated by Domenico de Chirico, Fonte, São Paulo, Brazil; Dialetos do Firmamento, Anita Schwartz Galeria de Arte, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [2023]; If I were you, curated by Rafael D'Alo, Kupfer, London, England; O Cru e o Cozido, curated by Pollyana Quintella, Galeria Athena, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Heat, curated by Victor Gorgulho, Galeria Quadra, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil; Sol, curated by Alexandre da Cunha, Marli Matsumoto Arte Contemporânea, São Paulo, Brazil; Saravá, Anita Schwartz Galeria de Arte, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Abre Alas 17, curated by Maxwell Alexandre and Pollyana Quintella, A Gentil Carioca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [2022]; 960 p, curated by Nino Cais, Carla Chaim and Marcelo Amorim, Fonte, São Paulo, Brazil; e Sob um Pequeno Sol, curated by Cadu Felix, Solar Grandjean de Montigny/Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [2019]; Marquise, 456, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [2018]; and Ponto Cego, curated by Marcelo Macedo and Antonio Bokel, Estúdio Baren, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [2016]. Took part in the following Artistic Residencies: ZSenne Art Lab, Brussels, Belgium [2022]; and Fonte, São Paulo, Brazil [2021].

  • Zé Tepedino . BY Oliver Basciano . ART REVIEWED . artreview

    1 March 2023
  • ZÉ TEPEDINO . by eduardo simões . CARBONO UOMO

    Nº 18, 2023
Art Fairs