The artist's primary medium is painting, serving as the backbone of her creative output. Villela's work is a dynamic exploration of the intersection between her body and the canvas, accompanied by an ongoing experimentation with materials. This approach results in a thought-provoking and inquisitive artistic language that challenges established norms of social and aesthetic rationality. In her quest to establish a unique artistic language, Villela places special emphasis on the physical connection between her body and her artistic tools, most notably the canvas, paint, and brush. Her paintings seamlessly blend elements of figurative and abstract, defying straightforward interpretation and blurring the boundaries between the human scale and other dimensions. This approach gives prominence to the gestural aspects of her creative process, continually unraveling the emotional depth of her movements. It's within this layer that the poetic essence of her work becomes evident: a form of painting that liberates itself from the constraints of figurative representation, while delving into the subjective journey triggered by her multifaceted relationship with the canvas. Thus, constructing a non-linear narrative that continually transcends the constraints of a numbed creative process.

Andy Villela  (1994, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Lives and works in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Has a bachelor degree in Communication from Faculdades Integradas Hélio Alonso (2020); Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage (2021/22). Solo exhibitions: Algaravia, texto crítico de Carollina Lauriano, Clarissa Diniz, Lucas Albuquerque, Lorraine Mendes and Victor Gorgullho, Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil (2024); Nebulosa, curated by Clarissa Diniz, Nonada, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Pequenos formatos, curated by Rubens Takamine, Bacorejo, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2023). Group exhibitions: The Square, curated by Mari Stockler, Casa de Vidro Lina Bo Bardi, São Paulo, Brazil; Quadrantes da Miragem, curated by Shanoon Botelho, Ateliê 31, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Superfície Matéria: Densidade Identitária, curated by Paulo Azeco, Nonada, São Paulo, Brazil; Fetiche: Retrato, curated by Bob Wolfenson, Nonada, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Abre Alas 18, curated by Vivian Caccuri, Bruna Costa, and Lia Letícia, A Gentil Carioca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Paura, curated by Paulo Azeco, Era Gallery, Milan, Italy; A Passagem, curated by Sema and Dani de Freita, Coart UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2023); Do Meu Lugar Faço Movimento, curated by Adriana Nakamuta, Cavalariça Parque Lage, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; A Palavra, curated by André Vargas, Nonada, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Cavalo de Tróia, curated by Rubens Takamine, Fábrica Bhering, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Despertar Inconsciente, curated by Carla Oliveira and Luyza de Luca, Casa Bicho, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Primavera Tua: A Casa Como Extensão da Rua, Instituto Municipal Nise da Silveira, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Imaginário Periférico, Centro Cultural Capiberibe 27, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2022); Erótica, Calma to Calma, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2021); Oferenda, Igreja do Reino da Arte, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2020).

Art Fairs