Letter to share dreams, 2022
wood, paper and pencilvariable dimensions1. I invite you to draw or write your possible dreams for collectively lived futures and send them to yourself or someone else.
Note: Papers, pencils, pens and envelopes are at your disposal.
2. Address the envelope and place it in the box.
3. Soon the letter will arrive at its destination so that it can be opened or kept somewhere where it can be forgotten so that it can be found again later.1. I invite you to draw or write your possible dreams for collectively lived futures and send them to yourself or someone else.
Note: Papers, pencils, pens and envelopes are at your disposal.
2. Address the envelope and place it in the box.
3. Soon the letter will arrive at its destination so that it can be opened or kept somewhere where it can be forgotten so that it can be found again later.1de 2