CURATED BY PRISCYLA GOMES 8 February - 22 March 2025 Meu quintal é maior que o mundo [My Backyard is Bigger than the World] The exhibition features works by Albano Afonso, Amorí, Ana Paula Sirino, Andy Villela, David Almeida, Diego Mouro, Eduardo Berliner, Heitor Dos Prazeres, Fernanda Galvão, Leticia Lopes, Lucas Simões, Luiza Gottschalk, Marina Hachem, Mauricio Adinolfi, Mauricio Parra,... Read more -
7 November - 21 December 2024 Other Symmetries: Body and Gesture in the Vertigo of Representation I wrote the image that was the scar of another image. Herberto Helder Juliana Cerqueira Leite’s work is fundamentally based on sculpture. And it is sculptural thinking, under tension and in various densities, that presents itself in Outras Simetrias ,... Read more -
21 September - 1 November 2024 Complete incompleteness. My meeting with Vânia Mignone was on a Tuesday morning. She had come quickly, driving by car from her home in Campinas, where she lives with her dogs, her dreamlike universe, her peace, her brushes and acrylic paints, the paper cutouts she takes from magazines and other documents,... Read more -
10 August - 14 September 2024 Casa Triângulo is pleased to present Cenizas de Mañana , Matias Duville’s first solo exhibition at the gallery, with critical essay by Jacopo Crivelli Visconti. The body of the woman (or of a man – even Matias Duville himself isn’t sure), sitting atop the mountains and observing the sparse procession... Read more -
28 June - 3 August 2024 Casa Triângulo is pleased to present the first solo exhibition of Marina Hachem at the gallery, with a critical essay by Victor Gorgulho. Everything that is born is likewise everything that will die. At first, this seems to be the message whispered by this new group of works presented by... Read more -
18 May - 22 June 2024 Read more -
23 March - 11 May 2024 Untill 2029 Casa Triângulo is pleased to present Until 2029 , Dan Lie's third solo exhibition at the gallery. This year, 2024, marks a decade since Dan Lie first began to present site-and-time-specific works at art institutions. Due to the transformation of their materials over time and the action of... Read more -
11 November 2023 - 3 February 2024 Whenever we contemplate something, engaging with a specific object or subject, we do so out of a desire to internalize the significations and broader meanings of an occurrence, a landscape, a person, an object, a gesture, or even a work of art. These meanings are indeed broader, because when a... Read more -
30 September - 4 November 2023 Right under my bones Everything that disappears a bruise blackish purple with a red rim the third day, ocher stained with blue A block of iron waiting for moss to grow. Containment screens draped over a concrete skeleton. A red patch covered the blue exposed to time A sun stained... Read more -
ASSUME VIVID ASTRO FOCUS . yellow wind floral blue (the colors accumulate in its atmosphere weaving lights)
12 August - 23 September 2023 yellow wind floral blue (the colors accumulate in its atmosphere weaving lights) amarelo vento azul floral [yellow wind floral blue] is a portal through which one can experience contrasts, venture into chromatic abysses, and strike up an intimate relationship with more than thirty exuberant paintings. The artist collective assume vivid... Read more -
CASA TRIÂNGULO, SÃO PAULO, BRASIL 17 June - 29 July 2023 Time was like this one. Life was like it is now. When everything ended in the sea. There in the underwater galaxies of the ocean depths, where humanity had never existed, life continued after we were covered over and avenged by the waters. From the surviving beings, a new flora... Read more -
13 May - 10 June 2023 Over the years, Nino Cais (São Paulo, 1969) has been patiently refining the sculptural meaning of his poetic production. The exhibition that guides us under the sign of Clarão [Effulgence] is very evidently concerned with the expressive power of the body – the form of our presence in the world’s... Read more -
25 March - 6 May 2023 Roberto Magalhães This exhibition presents an overview of the nearly 60-year career of artist Roberto Magalhães (1940). His poetics is characterized by a distortion of the real, through which he makes us perceive how grotesque and yet paradoxically hilarious reality can be. The shapes of his characters, portraits, self-portraits, objects... Read more -
4 February - 18 March 2023 Between late 2019 and 2021, Zé Tepedino carried out countless ephemeral interventions in various public spaces in the city of Rio de Janeiro, always with the help of friends to carry materials, set up structures, and document the work. Carried out improvisationally and without any official authorization, to a certain... Read more -
17 November 2022 - 21 January 2023 PARAYZO by Julia Tavares For artist and activist Lyz Parayzo, the world is a battlefield, and her art, ammunition. In dealing with the violences that her feminine trans identity catalyses on a daily basis, her tactic has been to infiltrate spaces of power in order to amplify and diffuse her... Read more -
24 September - 5 November 2022 (Looking at the paintings by Valdirlei Dias Nunes) These things are so difficult to explain. The calm and the silence amidst these shapes. Lines and black spaces. And, at a certain moment, it seems as though a curtain is starting to close. The lights have been turned off, but the... Read more -
6 August - 17 September 2022 Intersecting axes give rise to stars made of straight lines scintillating above flying rivers. Nested among planes that evoke the transcendent, their apparitions depend on the convergence of strokes with different inclinations. Churning rivers arise first. They descend one point to the next on the surface, in rituals and clashings... Read more -
2 - 23 July 2022 Read more -
2 April - 4 June 2022 In ancient Rome the word otium had an ambiguous meaning. It might be used to refer to a pause, a time for reflection, or even laziness. It’s antonym, negotium likewise meant both action, and an involvement in politics or public life. Casa Triângulo is pleased to announce an exhibition of... Read more -
Max Gómez Canle . Fuera de Lugar
5 February - 19 March 2022 Max Gómez Canle: Fuera de Lugar curated by Natalia Malamute and Violeta Mollo Fuera de Lugar by Natalaia Malamute The contradiction of landscape and geometry: small squares, walls, windows, pink- and earthy-orange-toned buildings reminiscent of 1960s work by the Mexican architect Luis Barragán occur in uninhabited landscapes. With the distance... Read more -
O Bastardo . Pretos de Griffe
20 November 2021 - 29 January 2022 O Bastardo: Pretos de Griffe by Carollina Lauriano Little known by the public at large until not long ago, the Portuguese word empoderamento [empowerment] gained strength in the political debate to the point where it became the most looked-up word in the Aurélio dictionary, in 2016. Since then, its meaning... Read more -
Antonio Henrique Amaral . Inside out
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 18 September - 13 November 2021 Antonio Henrique Amaral: Inside Out Curated by Raphael Fonseca and Pollyana Quintella. Multiple and polyphonic, Antonio Henrique Amaral strove to construct an oeuvre that would defy univocal interpretations. His more than six decades of production resulted in a multifaceted path that has been the subject of recent revisions by essays... Read more -
Thiago Rocha Pitta: Nigredo
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 19 June - 4 September 2021 Thiago Rocha Pitta: Nigredo by Pedro Cesarino “The fortune of the mortals is sad and without remedy…/ The venture is sketched out in imprecise lines,/ the misfortunes soon arrive, like a wet sponge,/ and in an instant they irreversibly erase the blackboard.”[1] With these words, the prophetess Cassandra foresaw the... Read more -
Vânia Mignone
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 8 May - 12 June 2021 Vânia Mignone is recognized for her paintings that explore an infinite and particular universe, but which, when meeting the eyes of the observer, end up becoming plural. There is no way to confront the artist's work without confronting yourself. In her portrayals, there is a strong resemblance to photography; the... Read more -
Paul Setúbal: Bronze, Leather, Gold, blood
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 9 March - 1 May 2021 Paul Setúbal: Bronze, Leather, Gold, blood by Priscyla Gomes '(…) We will always be slave to the distilled malignity installed within us, both by the feeling of pain […], as well as by the exercise of the brutality on men, women and children converted into the fodder of our fury.... Read more -
Nino Cais: The Human Body Factory
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 5 November - 19 December 2020 Read more -
Juliana Cerqueira Leite: Hotel Marajoara
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 14 July - 29 August 2020 Throughout her career, Juliana Cerqueira Leite has carried out investigations into the human body and the history of its depiction. In this show, the artist extends her research by proposing a reflection, based on familial memories, in regard to how we construct the definitions of what we consider culture, or... Read more -
Ascânio MMM, Darío Escobar, Lucas Simões, Nino Cais, Rodolpho Parigi, Sandra Cinto and Valdirlei Dias Nunes
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 1 February - 7 March 2020 Read more -
1 February - 7 March 2020 Read more -
Alex Cerveny: All The Places
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 23 November 2019 - 18 January 2020 The Imaginal Realm of Alex Červený Since Antiquity, artists and preceptists have been concerned with two forms of imitation: the naturalistic (physical) and the fantastic (metaphysical). As an alternative to the hegemony of the naturalistic Greco-Latin painting, art historian Jurgis Baltrušaitis (1903–1988) identified in medieval art one of the culminating... Read more -
Ascânio MMM: Prisma e Quacors
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 28 September - 14 November 2019 Ascânio MMM: Constructive Universality and the Contingency of Perception The spatial pieces by Ascânio MMM have a public vocation, arising from their essential link to the constructive tradition and, more specifically, their proximity with architecture and with the notion of structure. It is for this reason that many of his... Read more -
Eduardo Berliner: The Shape of the Remains
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 3 August - 14 September 2019 For Eduardo Berliner, the quality of the surface of wood has warranted its use as a support in recent years. According to the artist, because it is smoother than canvas, it decreases the friction of the brushstroke, allowing for faster and more fluid lines and the creation of a hybrid... Read more -
Ivan Grilo: Tomorrow, At First Light
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 1 June - 20 July 2019 terral participative observation; of the sky, which reminded him of the stars on the flag, national symbols, which he was not able to let go o ff in the investigation, of types of gates, between one cruder phase of his life, where the stars lay perforated in his mind; in... Read more -
Sandra Cinto: Nocturne
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 30 March - 22 May 2019 Throughout her career, Cinto has developed a vocabulary to create narratives and fantastic landscapes in which bridges, mountains, chasms, stairs, swings, chandeliers, night skies, turbulent seas, waterfalls and storms - drawn directly on walls, canvases and three-dimensional objects - evoke a metaphor of human odyssey and draw the limits of... Read more -
Guido van der Werve . CONDO SÃO PAULO 2019
30 March - 18 May 2019 Read more -
Tony Camargo: Num Logo Lugar
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 9 February - 16 March 2019 Perceiving all the spaces Tony Camargo’s work has always involved the construction of apparatuses which in some way reveal the operation of the world, grasping discoveries of the real in determined spaces, between lines and planes, and conferring to the objects an unforeseen expressive vocation. The invisible probability of the... Read more -
Stephen Dean: Rehearsal With Props
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 9 February - 16 March 2019 Stephen Dean is an American/French multi-media artist, whose interest spans watercolor, video and installation. His time- based works and installations summon physiological and anthropological approaches to color. Often working from existing forms or events, Dean focuses on the immediacy of color and it’s ability to precede language and cultural codes.... Read more -
Albano Afonso: Living in an Abstract World
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 9 November - 22 December 2018 It’s What Your Arms, Lips and Voice Were Made For Close your eyes for a few moments, as though they were breathing in a rarefied atmosphere, renew your nonverbal speech. This gesture is required to make contact with images arising from our experience with the contemporary, since the now is... Read more -
Assume Vivid Astro Focus: Aquele vestígio assim... Feérico
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 22 September - 27 October 2018 aquele vestígio assim... feérico From the fatal dazzling of the vestiges and from the fiction of the excesses of conscious color, without brilliance or a glossy sheen. In the constant ecstasy of vogue dances, it is a celebration of the consciousness of the demolition and re-creation or reconstruction, it is... Read more -
Lucas Simões: Ressaca
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 11 August - 15 September 2018 RESSACA The Portuguese word ressaca translates to either “hangover” or “undertow” in English – in both cases meaning an aftermath or something that produces an effect. The abnormal movement of the undercurrents. The physical symptoms that appear when the toxic effects begin to leave the body. The nausea and the... Read more -
Manuela Ribadeneira: Listen
11 June - 14 July 2018 Read more -
11 April - 12 May 2018 Curated by Ivo Mesquita Read more -
Daniel Lie: Children of the End
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 3 February - 24 March 2018 Entitled Filhxs do Fim [Children of the End], the show presents a large installation which occupies the gallery’s main room. The work is built wih a combination of natural elements that accentuate the passage of time through their natural cycles. Plants, seeds and dirt create the structure which allows the... Read more -
Max Gómez Canle: La distancia termina en el barranco
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 25 November - 23 December 2017 BAROQUE AND CHASM There is no origin, or everything is conceived together, in this miracle. All of these distances that hang here on the walls are spaces of time, color, brushes, rhythm, form... They are paintings, but they are magic mirrors. They enchant us with the possibility of telling the... Read more -
Mariana Palma: Soma
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 23 September - 4 November 2017 Whirlpool Object of my most desperate desire, make me into an instrument of your pleasure, yes, know that every era of swift renewal of the means of graphic reproduction stimulates the eye armed with a scissors and razor knife. As when from flowery meads the hill’s shadow steals, it is... Read more -
Marcia Xavier: Geologia Doméstica
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 14 August 2017 - 16 September 2018 If I were a fungus I would say to shut up forever, if I were a moss I would say it was cool, happy, someone was born, conjugate the verb, I was born, I will be born, I had been born, I would be born, and I put a stone,... Read more -
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 1 July - 5 August 2017 RECENT PAINTINGS AND RELIEFS With an art career spanning nearly three decades, Valdirlei Dias Nunes is a singular artist among his generation. Born in the interior of the state of Paraná, he earned a degree in pharmacy and in biochemistry before moving to São Paulo in the early 1990s, when... Read more -
FELIPE MUJICA: Sombras Imaginarias Vienen por el Camino Imaginario
22 May 2017 - 24 June 2018 Read more -
Nino Cais: Wind Opera
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 4 April - 13 May 2017 Read more -
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 4 February - 25 March 2017 VÂNIA MIGNONE There are two circumstances in Vânia Mignone’s recent production that I have found most noteworthy. Perhaps they have always been present, but they have just become abundantly clear to me. One is the musical atmosphere that runs through her paintings, and the other is a scenic dimension, the... Read more -
Eduardo Berliner: Corpo em Muda
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 5 November - 23 December 2016 I thought that my sister could sprout into a tree of muscles, with branches of bones producing flowers of fingernails. Thousands of fingernails that perhaps would follow the little bit of sun. Perhaps they would grow like sharp claws. Valter Hugo Mãe, A desumanização The Portuguese word muda in the... Read more -
Ascânio MMM: Bodily Measures
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 14 September - 22 October 2016 Ascânio MMM: bodily measures 1. Harmonious proportions Brazilian art critique and art history has given Ascânio MMM's oeuvre short shrift. However, this omission has now been partly remedied by the extraordinary efforts of Paulo Herkenhoff's recent Ascânio MMM: Poética da Razão, [1] a publication of over 400 pages highlighting crucial... Read more -
Dario Escobar: Composiçōes
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 30 July - 27 August 2016 Read more -
"O que vem com a Aurora"
30 July - 27 August 2016 Curated by Bernardo Mosqueira Artists: Aleta Valente (Rio), Ana Hupe (Rio, Berlim), Anna Costa e Silva (Rio), Carolina Caycedo (Colombia, Londres), Denise Alves, Rodrigues (SP), Elza Lima (Belém), Luciana Paiva (Brasília), Luisa Nóbrega (SP), Manuela Ribadaneira (Equador, Londres), Marcia Belotti e Luiza Porto (Rio/SP, Lisboa), Vivian Caccuri (SP, Rio), Odaraya... Read more -
ALAIR GOMES . YOUNG MALE – Fotografias de Alair Gomes
20 June - 16 July 2016 Curated by Eder Chiodetto Read more -
14 May - 11 June 2016 Read more -
Sandra Cinto: Chance and Necesity
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 5 March - 2 April 2016 Acaso e Necessidade, title extracted from a Zen Buddhist thought, presents a new series of works, outcome of a period of 60 days in Japan invited by the Aomori Contemporary Art Centre, where the artist deepened her research on Oriental art and its influence on the West. The installation, made... Read more -
Ivan Grilo: Eu Quero Ver
Casa Triângulo São Paulo, Brazil 7 April - 23 May 2015 I Want to See Turning, spinning, twirling – that’s the feeling one gets while running down the monumental staircase designed by Lina Bo Bardi at the Solar do Unhão, in Salvador. Built in the 16th century, today the building is home to the Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia. In... Read more -
Vânia Mignone
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 5 February - 28 March 2015 TRAVELING HORIZON Not long ago, the signs on the façades of cinemas, theaters and showrooms were hand painted. Unlike the standardized signs made with graphic design software and Photoshop, a custom- painted billboard announced the newest feature film at each movie house. They were authentic, traveling inventions that today stand... Read more -
Albano Afonso: Anatomia da Luz
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 7 October - 1 November 2014 Read more -
Yuri Firmeza: Projeto Ruínas
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 2 - 27 September 2014 RUINS PROJECT Ruins Project creates a direct dialogue with the work that Yuri Firmeza will show at the 31 th Bienal de São Paulo: How to talk about things that don’t exist. On Turvações Estratigráficas, Firmeza began this archaeological line of research by taking the urban developments in the Rio... Read more -
30 August - 27 September 2014 Read more -
Márcia Xavier: Querida
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 2 - 23 August 2014 San Gimignano, Toscana, Italy, July 8, 2014 Darling , It is from San Gimignano that I am writing, in epistolary form, the text that will accompany your exhibition : Darling. In this bedroom embedded in the center of this medieval city of circular streets and elongated towers that pierce the... Read more -
Joana Vasconcelos: Casarão
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 31 March - 10 May 2014 The exhibition Casarão marks Joana Vasconcelos’ return to Casa Triângulo, a decade after her last show at this gallery, and after the recent success of the exhibitions she held at Château de Versailles and at the Venice Biennale. The youngest artist and first woman to exhibit in Versailles returns to... Read more -
Sandra Cinto: Pause.
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 8 October - 9 November 2013 Read more -
Assume Vivid Austro Focus: Alisabel viril apagão fenomenal
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 4 March - 4 May 2013 Big Ben During one of his frequent perambulations in the city’s central region, a. encounters an extravagant architectural element that catches his attention. Bathed by a red light that emanates from an installation made with fluorescent light tubes à la Dan Flavin forming a square shape on one of the... Read more -
Tony Camargo: Planopinturas e Videomódulos
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 7 - 23 July 2012 This exhibition features recent works selected from three series produced with widely different techniques, but which are fundamentally related through a single pictorial research. These are the Planopinturas [Planepaintings], the Planopinturas Iconográficas [Iconographic Planepaintings] and the Videomódulos [Videomodules]. Since color is one of the bases that harmonize this relation, for... Read more -
Vânia Mignone
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 10 April - 3 May 2012 BETWEEN IMAGES Vânia Mignone’s work evinces a development very dear to the history of contemporary art: the autonomy of drawing – no longer just scribblings, a rough sketch as a plan for something else, or a “smaller” work – and the extent to much drawing has invaded other areas, being... Read more -
Guillermo Mora: Fragmentos Mutáveis
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 22 November - 17 December 2011 Read more -
Yuri Firmeza: Este Lado Para Cima
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 18 October - 12 November 2011 (Un)Convention without tacit agreements In São Paulo I was alongside Sorcerers, Magicians, Witches and Gypsies. They were few. We are so many. They were many. Jugglers of declarations, choreographers of voices, parrhesia. Flaming languages of a severed tail – the recited spell of a Sorceress. An entire language forgotten! A... Read more -
Jack Strange: Words in the World
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo Brazil 17 September - 8 October 2011 Read more -
Valdirlei Dias Nunes: Relevos
Casa Triângulo, São Paulo, Brazil 10 May - 4 June 2011 V. D. Nunes, Untitled (Reliefs) – Antecedents and predecessors. The line or mark in a drawing can represent a bar, a stick, a ruler, a tube – or it can be just a line or mark on the paper. Likewise, a painted or drawn cube is, also, a box, a... Read more