Trained in the techniques of classical realism during their formative years, Thix has since been researching ways in which figuration goes beyond the visual field and enters the symbolic realm, stemming from the idea that archives occupy a central place in the political imaginary of queer and trans communities as repositories of collective memory, resistance and counterpower, as well as sources of inspiration pointing to the future.
They studied drawing and painting at The Florence Academy of Art (Italy) and The Barcelona Academy of Art (Spain), with a stint at Grand Central Atelier, in New York .
Thix's work draws from the legacy of western figurative painting, mirroring elements of its own History - a strong sense of light and shadow unfolding into color, form and materiality - and leans over intimacy through a queer lens.
Working with conceptual and documental approaches to image making, Thix examines genders/genres - through portraiture and identity- in a disobedient appropriation of the canon, that fractures the classic pathways of representation, disorienting centers and borders, the personal and political, the ethereal and corporeality.
The temporal displacement in the motifs of their still life paintings, reclaims and subverts the genre, transcending the limits of pictorial framing. Taking queer theory and phenomenology as a premisse, their work examines aesthetic possibilities for thinking about the existence, contingency and orientation of bodies and objects that escape normativity.
In applying the visual vocabulary and academic conventions of painting to political themes extracted from the social fabric, Thix turns its subjects and historical references into juxtaposed inversions, reinforcing the ambiguity and provocative complexity that permeate their images.

Thix (1982, Porto Alegre) vive e trabalha no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Entre as exposições das quais participou, destacam-se Preceito Fundamental, Espaço CA.MA, São Paulo (2023); 15º Salão dos Artistas sem Galeria, na Galeria Zipper, São Paulo, 2024; Alvorada, Galeria Anita Schwartz, Rio de Janeiro (2024); O que te faz olhar para o céu?, Centro Cultural dos Correios, Rio de Janeiro (2024); Programa de Exposições do Museu de Artes de Ribeirão Preto (2024); Apocalipse, Casa França-Brasil (2024); Réquiem para um nome, Galeria Silvia Cintra +Box4 (2024). Participou da Residência Artística da FAAP em 2024. Foi vencedora do Prêmio Garimpo das Artes, promovido pela revista Das Artes em 2024, e selecionada para a Temporada de Projetos do Paço das Artes (SP) 2025. Possui obras em coleções particulares e no acervo público do Museu de Arte do Rio (MAR).